Mental Health Services
If you need help right now, call AWP’s 24-hour urgent response line free on 0800 953 1919.
For someone to talk to, you can also contact The Samaritans for free on 116 123. The Samaritans offers 24-hour telephone emotional support and befriending in complete confidence.
Offer a wide range of support. from psycho-educational courses to one-to-one intervention, as everyone’s needs and preferences are different.
Wiltshire IAPT Service
Lodge 3 – Green Lane Hospital
SN10 5DS
01380 731335 – Please note the Phone line is open Monday to Friday between 09:00 – 17:00 (Outside of these hours or during busy periods you will be able to leave a message)
Email: Wiltshire IAPT are not a Crisis Service – If you are need of immediate help please click here : Crisis team
SHOUT Text support Services Text: 85258
Shout offers you free, 24/7 text messaging support wherever you are in the UK. If you need someone to talk to about how you're feeling
For those at risk of suicide and people worried about someone